01 Aug There And Back Again Week 15 7.30.17
Sermon Notes
Slide: There and Back – Jericho
Biblically Based, Relationally Driven, Spirit-Led
SLIDE: Exploring the connections between the Old Testament and New Testaments is important for our faith journey.
The NT is read through the OT and then back again!
Figural reading.
Almost all events of Jesus have an OT connection.
Moses – Luke
SLIDE: Jesus approaches Jericho
Luke 18:35-43
Moses – Joshua
SLIDE: Joshua and the fall of Jericho
Joshua 6:1-27 Pg. 173
Story of Joshua and Jericho JOSHUA = GOD SAVES!
40 years earlier!
Joshua 2:3-11 Rahab and the spies
Total fear of Israel’s God! Parted the waters.
SLIDE: Patterns of Evidence: EXODUS
SLIDE: Jesus approaches Jericho
Luke 18:35-43
SLIDE: Jesus anointed by a Sinful Woman
Luke 7:50 Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has SAVED you; go in peace.”
SLIDE: Jesus of Nazareth, Son of David, LORD
:43 he received his sight… all the people “saw it”.
Joshua could “see Jericho”
IRONY! – The BLIND man could SEE Jesus.
ALL CHRISTIANS… GOD will give you Vision!
#1. Giants
#2. Nay sayers. (Good enoughers)
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we live by faith, not by sight.