Our youth ministry provides all of our students with the opportunity to fellowship and enjoy hanging out with other teens. We believe that group activities are awesome avenues to help our students be themselves among other teens and have a great time in a safe environment. These activities are important to our students as this is their avenue for inviting their friends.
One of City Church’s core values is “Serving Others”. We look for ways our students can help others by getting involved in ministry at City Church and in our community at large. We believe that this is how we can help our teens understand what it means to be a servant-leader. Whether by helping out with Kidspace, greeting on Sunday morning or playing on the worship team, these are all amazing ways for students to discover and build upon their leadership abilities. We also like to provide opportunities for our students to see the world through Jesus’ eyes by serving on missions teams that travel outside of Charlottesville and at times outside the United States, giving them a much greater perspective.
We believe that serving is a key part of worship. We encourage all of our students to plug into ministries where they can best use their gifts.