“The Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism” by Drew G.I. Hart (Herald Press, 2016)—Abstract from Amazon:
“Drew G. I. Hart places police brutality, mass incarceration, anti-black stereotypes, poverty, and everyday acts of racism within the larger framework of white supremacy. He argues that white Christians have repeatedly gotten it wrong about race because dominant culture and white privilege have so thoroughly shaped their assumptions. He also challenges black Christians about neglecting the most vulnerable in their own communities. Leading readers toward Jesus, Hart offers concrete practices for churches that seek solidarity with the oppressed and are committed to racial justice.”
“Reconstructing the Gospel: Finding Freedom from Slave Holder Religion” by Jonathan Wilson-Hargrove (InterVarsity Press, March 2018)–TALKING POINTS for the Author: • What do you mean by “slaveholder religion” and how does it help us make sense of the contemporary political climate? • What does it look like for faith communities to interrupt racial habits? • How has your experience as a pastor in the South influenced your writing? • What have you learned about the role white people can and should play in movements for racial justice today?
“The Myth of Equality: Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilege” by Ken Wytsma (InterVarsity Press, 2017)–TALKING POINTS for the Author: • Why is it important to understand our history when we talk about privilege and race relations in our country? • How do you respond to those who view racism as a past issue that no longer affects us today? • Why is it important for white leaders to engage with the topic of race and privilege? What unique perspective do you have to offer on this issue as a white man? • How do listening, lamenting, and learning help us begin to move forward on the journey toward reconciliation in our society?
“Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience” by Sheila Wise Rowe (InterVarsity Press, January 2020). From the Author on what the reader will find in this book: “[this book] offers a new take on reconciliation that is not all about crossing racial divisions. The book addresses a neglected area in the Christian market and is an answer to the felt need of people of color who experience racial trauma and its devastating effects. Unhealed wounds, traumatic racial histories, microagression, and daily assaults on dignity and character, over time the effects of racism accrue, hampering any movement toward racial reconciliation.”
“Disunity in Christ: Uncovering the Hidden Forces that Keep Us Apart” by Christina Cleveland, PhD (InterVarsity Press, 2013). From the Author on what she hopes the book will convey: “So many of the processes that create and maintain cultural divisions in the church occur outside of our awareness. We don’t even know that they are happening! This book is unique in that it helps people see the factors and processes that cause our divisions and gives them tools to overcome them.”
“After graduating from Harvard, Bryan Stevenson heads to Alabama to defend those wrongly condemned or those not afforded proper representation. One of his first cases is that of Walter McMillian, who is sentenced to die in 1987 for the murder of an 18-year-old girl, despite evidence proving his innocence. In the years that follow, Stevenson encounters racism and legal and political maneuverings as he tirelessly fights for McMillian’s life.” This film is offered for free viewing on a limited basis… if you’ve not seen it, please make time for it.
The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby. From RightNow Media this video series surveys the American church’s role from the beginning of American enslavement into the civil rights movement. Hard-hitting truths but offered with the centrality of Christ as the way forward.
How to Talk About Race & Privilege by Jada Edwards, also offered by RightNow Media this 8-minute presentation from Pastor Edwards addresses some deeply relevant questions/objections to the current racial crisis this country is experiencing. Her responses are insightful, perhaps even a bit uncomfortable but delivered with grace.