It has been a true to joy to serve as your pastor throughout 2015! 2015 also marks my 18th year of service at City Church. How time flies! This past year has been one of God’s presence, goodness, refining and celebration. We have seen people in our church family go through incredible trials, victories and deepening faith in Jesus. In way of looking back over this past year, I feel it is key for me to keep the City Church family informed concerning the stated areas of focus for this past year. They were Women’s Ministry, Media and Technology, Congregational Care and Greater Local Outreach. Here is an update on what was accomplished in those areas in 2015.


Women’s Ministry

There is now a very committed leadership team of women in place and ministry to City Church women has already begun with social gatherings, Bible studies and another beach retreat planned in the spring.

Technology / Media Ministry

We now have a skilled individual, Ryan Law, who is overseeing this area of City Church. Ryan has a growing team of skilled people who are making this effort more effective. We now have a new and more useful website, a growing number of testimonial videos and live image magnification on Sunday mornings.

Congregational Care:

Stephens Ministry has now begun: this is a ministry that provides training for individuals who feel called to walking with others through difficult season in life. City Church now has a Stephen’s Ministry lead team that is in place and is currently recruiting more people to be trained to serve others. We also now have a marriage mentoring ministry that is gathering married couples who are being trained to serve our engaged couples.

Greater Local Outreach:

This year we have become the host site for Charlottesville’s Habitat for Humanity, where they host community conversations for individuals and families who will become neighbors as home in their neighborhood are completed. We have begun a growing partnership with Loaves and Fishes a local food pantry reaching 1,500 families per month. We have also continued our involvement with PACEM, a local night homelessness support ministry offering food and shelter throughout the colder months of the winter. We have also served more closely with Advancing Native Missions which is a local organization that provides opportunities for church members to support missionaries around the world through mission projects, work-days and more.

In short, 2015 was a year when we accomplished this list of efforts that Christ had placed on our hearts. These and everything else we do as a church family, is ultimately all about seeing lives transformed through the love of Jesus Christ. If every story of Christ’s working through our church family were to be printed in this report, this letter would go on “forever”. Suffice it to say, 2015 has been an amazing year for our church family!

May God’s blessing remain on us as we move into 2016!

Pete Hartwig
lead pastor


Activively pursuing Christ. We are committed as a church family to be fully devoted followers of Jesus. Our passion is to see Christ expressed in every area of our daily lives.


Actively engaging in spiritual relationships. We are committed to live lives of authentic relationship for the purpose of creative a Christ-like community for those God brings into our lives.


We are called to be a people who live our lives with a spirit of generosity. The calling to generosity affects how we utilize our time, finances, and relationships.



Follow Jesus, Serve Others

In Matthew 4:19 Jesus said to Peter and his brother Simon, “Come, follow me.”  So begins the incredible story of Jesus building His church! The call, to “follow me”, or in other words “follow Jesus”, has been the primary purpose of Christ’s Church ever since!

With this realization in our hearts, the primary mission of City Church is stated the following way: “Calling people to follow Jesus.”  Once this call to “follow Jesus” has been heeded, the very next biblical step is to “serve others”.

As the lead pastor of City Church, I cannot think of a better unifying focus for our church family than “calling people to follow Jesus and serve others.”

With “Calling People to Follow Jesus and Serve Others” guiding us, there are several clear emphases for City Church God has placed on my heart for 2016.

First, we will all understand how each one of us takes part in “calling people to follow Jesus.”  As you are aware, this happens almost every Sunday morning as we meet for worship.  We make the call for people to choose to follow Jesus. Yet, “calling people to follow Jesus” also happens outside of Sunday mornings as each of us prayerfully tell our own faith stories to the people God brings into our everyday lives.  “Serving Others” happens when each of us at City Church prayerfully look at our own resources and God-given strengths and then strategically determine how we will practically direct these strengths and resources toward others.  2016 is to be a year of our church family carrying the mission of “calling people to follow Jesus and serve others” into our everyday lives.


2016 is the year when we will prayerfully figure out “what is next” for our permanent church home. God has blessed us with an amazing interim facility at the Performing Arts Center, and the leadership of City Church clearly senses 2016 is the year to prayerfully discern where our church will find a permanent home. This is going to require all of our church family to be seeking God for his provision and direction! How exciting this will be as God reveals His plan for our church.


With the call towards a permanent home in our near future we will also be bringing a clear focus on what the Bible says about financial stewardship. Real Devotion to Jesus brings us to the place where every area of our lives is devoted to him, including our financial resources. Throughout 2016 we will explore this area of devotion together.


I sense a growing burden from God that City Church is to figure out how we can be of greater support for singles, young marrieds and marriages in general. Please pray with us as we are seeking people to help lead efforts that will support these critical areas of need!

I know God has great things in store for us in 2016 as we stay focused on these 4 areas of emphasis!  These 4 emphases will strengthen our church from within, will dramatically increase our local community impact and will lay a solid foundation for the future of our church!


Pete Hartwig

lead pastor

2015 Highlights


City Church gives 10% of the tithes and offerings each year toward missions, benevolence, and outreach.


City Church remains debt free at this time. There is a core understanding that the church desires to be debt free.


We now have a new and more useful website, a growing number of testimonial videos and live image magnification on Sunday mornings.


We now have a marriage mentoring ministry that is gathering married couples who are being trained to serve our engaged couples.


The ministry has expanded to include over 65 volunteers who serve generously.


9 Life Groups formed, making the transition from one of our short-term “Sermon Discussion” series, to part of our ongoing small group ministry.


City Church remains to help resource over 9 outreach partners.


71% of regularly attending families in Kidspace served in some ministry capacity at City Church


We were excited to initiate the Shoulder to Shoulder groups to help support men in their lives.








2016 Budget


City Church is blessed to have so many faithfully support and contribute to City Church. This generosity provides the resources necessary to offer Sunday services, small group relational environments and provide many other opportunities for individuals and families to experience and share the love of Jesus. The faithful support of so many is making a huge impact in our community. Thank you so much for your generosity to City Church throughout 2015!


It is essential for City Church to be good stewards of the finances that are given each week. People give in many different ways; Sunday morning offering, direct deposit, online giving and via “text” giving. Regardless of how one gives, the church understands the importance of having financial accountability measures in place. Here are five financial standards that are in place within City Church:

  • Volunteer Treasurer, Sheila Williams works alongside the Official Board.

  • Checks require dual signature by approved individuals.

  • Staff members cannot sign any checks by City Church.

  • Two individuals are required to count the cash offering.

Ministry Reports


The Worship Arts Department at City Church is vibrant and growing, filled with individuals who are passionate about seeing the name of Jesus lifted up in our city and in our church.  From the implementation of IMAG (short for “image magnification”, the cameras in the service that broadcast onto the screens/online what’s happening on stage) to recording our own worship single with a music video, from including many new and vital members to our team to equipping one another through prayer and discipleship, the scope of capability and ministry happening in the Worship Arts Department is massive and dynamic.

A few highlights of our year:

  • Successfully implementing IMAG with a talented team that has been assembled and managed to run the technology each week that helps make our services more accessible.
  • Expanding the ministry to include over 65 volunteers that serve generously on a regular basis, including setup, teardown, audio/visual, instrumentalists, vocalists, and worship leaders.
  • Deepening the relationships on our team by encouraging team members to serve with one another in multiple capacities and through peer team interactions and discipleship.
  • Writing, recording, producing, releasing, and shooting a music video for “Light”, a worship single by Calie Garrett & City Church Worship.
  • Bringing on an intern, Andrew Vutsinas (a 4th Year UVA Student), to assist Calie and the team with all things admin, production, scheduling, discipleship, and service planning.
  • Collaborating with the Charlottesville Worship Collective to put together CWC’s second night of worship at the Paramount Theater.
  • Partnering with over 10 organizations, both local and international, throughout the year to provide worship experiences for conferences, retreats, or events.

Looking forward to 2016, we are excited steward the individuals that God has placed at City Church with gifts, talents, and a passion for worship and creative art.  Our goals for this year are: to incorporate more forms of art in worship; to continue to write, record, and release original music that tells of what God is doing in our church and in our community; to expand our team with more passionate individuals willing to serve generously; and to pour into one another as we each grow in our understanding of who Jesus is and who He is calling us to be.

Calie Garrett


As a pastor, I am privileged to hear and experience the stories and impact that spiritual community provides. Belonging to a group is a transformative experience for many. One of our small group leaders recently shared with me how he has been investing in several men outside of their regular small group meetings. It was very powerful to listen to him share how much those relationships were producing mutual spiritual growth as relationships deepen.

This is how the Christian life is designed to function. Our individual stories reveal how God is involved through the mountaintops, the valleys, and the so-called “normal” seasons of our lives. When we connect with others we are reminded that we are not alone, and we are forever changed by that knowledge.

In 2015, we introduced many people to small groups through our short-term, sermon-based groups. Through two rotations, 20 short-term groups provided a way for over 200 individuals to participate in our “Sermon Discussion” small groups. These series provide individuals a way to connect with others and engage in a small group experience that is meaningful. They have also proved to be an effective way that God is using to launch new groups into our ongoing small group ministry.

Other growth points within small group ministry this past year included:

  • A change in leadership among a number of our existing small groups. Change often included an emerging leader from within the small group, which is always a sign of health.
  • 9 Life Groups formed, making the transition from one of our short-term “Sermon Discussion” series, to part of our ongoing small group ministry.
  • 29 ongoing Life Groups, 3 affinity groups, 7 “Shoulder to Shoulder” groups, and 2 Men’s Catalyst groups. These groups combine to provide a small group experience to well over 275 adult attendees.
  • The emergence of men’s short-term and long-term discipleship groups.
  • The development of an online training tool for our short-term small group leaders.
  • A stronger leadership team within the ministry. We have met consistently and invested significant time and ministry to one another on our leadership team. From this place of commitment and relationship, we work to support our current small group leaders through prayer and ministry development.

I have clear vision for the potential impact that small groups will have in the lives of the people that call – and will call – City Church, their church.

We are committed and expectant to see continued ministry growth manifest in 2016 and beyond:

  • 10 new ongoing small groups launched in 2016, enabling 120-130 new congregants to belong to a small group
  • 8-10 new short-term “Sermon Discussion” groups launched this fall
  • 2 new couples or singles added to our existing leadership team
  • A small group discipleship process that combines essential biblical truths with experiential practices
  • Greater diversification in our small group ministry, including discipleship, additional affinity groups, and an increase in ministry to one another through peer-to-peer groups of 2-3 individuals
  • A strategic training process for all new small group leaders

I believe that we have only just begun to reach our potential as one of the foundational ministries of City Church, and the leadership team and I are excited to see how God uses this ministry in 2016 and beyond. No one should have to go through life alone, so I invite you to partner with us and discern God’s leading to participate in or lead a small group this year!

Barry Sink


You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. –Luke 10.27 (NLT)

The leadership at City Church is committed to helping us experience loving God in the way described in Luke.  With a solid repository of print and visual media available in our library and the pool of passionate and talented teachers, City Church was able to offer the following seminars and workshops in 2015 and early 2016:

  • DNA of Relationships led by JoAnn & Chet Seapy began in February 2015, meeting weekly for nine weeks, two hours each. There were eight couples that participated and benefited from this intense but life-giving experience in understanding marriage relationships.
  • Pete presented two seminars on The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit: one in March and the other in November of 2015.  Both seminars were well attended and where interaction was robust.
  • Throughout the month of June, Johan Gous and Dr. Ed Rose led the seminar on Spiritual Disciplines and Maturity.   The content and presentations were golden.  We are hopeful that this seminar will be reprised this year.
  • Jim Schutz, Executive Director of the Joseph Project, a relief arm of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America, presented on his organization’s relief efforts on behalf of the impoverished in Israel. He also took time to address questions regarding the, then current, state of affairs in that part of the world.  Jim is also brother to our own, Katie Amrhein.
  • This past January, another Financial Peace seminar began, running for eight weeks.  We are grateful to Lara Casteel, Dave Bevacqua, Margaret Reisser, Ruth Sisman and Brett Darken for their competent and compassionate leadership.  At the time of this writing, there are 28 participants.  We will be offering this again at a later date in 2016.

We look forward to offering more seminars, classes, and special events through our Foundations programs in the coming days.

Gabe Moya


It is no surprising revelation that we are a people beset with the many and various kinds of challenges that life offers up.  The scriptures offer important truths about God’s loving and caring character and how His people may be responsive to one another. 

In my role as Pastor of Congregational Care, I’ve encountered many opportunities to minister to individuals in need of compassionate care and support. This role has positioned me to establish supportive programs such as Marriage Mentors, Visitation Team, GriefShare, and Stephen Ministries where trained, compassionate, and caring individuals can walk alongside others who are living with challenges or persons who simply wish to be mentored toward increasing spiritual and relational maturity.  These are ways that our people may experience the fulfillment of St. Paul’s admonish to “bear one another’s burdens…” (Galatians 6.2).

Here are some highlights of 2015:

  • Premarital counseling for 10 couples
  • Officiated four weddings
  • With Chester Yuan, attended the week-long Leader Training Conference sponsored by Stephen Ministries
  • Take-them-a-Meal served 13 families and 62 meals.
  • Fresh Start a group established to create fellowship between those who are widowed (this is a renaming and expansion of the Widows Group) led by LoryJean Wilson

I look forward to seeing our upcoming initiatives in congregational care take root and grow so that City Church can begin to be increasingly fruitful as a community of healing and wholeness.

Gabe Moya


What an amazing year REACH had in 2015! From Planet Wisdom, an All-Nighter, Breakout, Blast, and our Nicaragua mission trip, it has been a year to remember. For me, one of the highlights of this past year was our first ‘Fall Retreat’ to Watermarks Camp. It was a weekend meant to unify our youth ministry by going deeper in our friendships and seeking the Lord in new and creative ways. I was astounded to see how hungry our teenagers were for the presence of God as we experienced some of the most powerful times of worship together.

Currently, REACH serves approximately 70-80 teenagers a week with our amazing adult leadership and there are at least 2-3 new visitors a week. This past year has been one of discovery and growth as we have identified a new purpose and vision for this ministry. It is our desire to create life-long followers of Christ through encouraging our students to:

  • Reach Up (Relationship to the Lord – 2nd Corinthians 3:17-18)
  • Reach In (Fellowship and encouragement to other believers and their church family – Hebrews 10:19-25)
  • Reach Out (Sharing their faith and living a life of generosity and service – Hebrews 26:28-29).

In 2016, Reach is looking to challenge our teenagers to go even deeper in relationship with the Lord as we walk through a year of purpose stemming out from our vision. So far, we have seen our students gravitate to our vision with enthusiasm. Every week, we are seeing them be excited about their youth ministry as we see our small groups become closer.

Our goal is for this to continue and that our small groups will begin to meet regularly outside of Sunday morning services. We will be seeking parents to open their homes so that these small groups can begin meeting together during the week for Bible study, prayer, and outreach to their friends who are in need of hearing the great Gospel of Jesus.

If you are interested in leading in Reach and having an impact on this generation, please prayerfully consider being involved with Reach. Adult leadership is currently needed for our small groups: middle school girls (2 leaders), middle school guys (2 leaders), high school guys (1 leader) and high school girls (1 leader).

I would like to take a moment to say thank you to all of our parents who support Reach and who allow us to partner with them as they disciple their teenagers. Also, I would like to say thank you to all of our committed adult leaders who week after week prayerfully encourage, lead, and love our students. Without all of you Reach would not be possible. Thank You!

Scott George


Kidspace provides a safe environment where children have a great time while learning about Jesus and growing in faith. It is a great mission and large undertaking for City Church to pour into our children the love of Christ each week, but the reward is great!

In 2015, there were some key transitions in leadership.  We were very blessed to have Tania Eastman serve as the 1st-5th small group coordinator for many years.  Kristen Schlegel, who has also served for numerous years, transitioned from nursery coordinator to an overall Kidspace support role on Sunday mornings.  In order to continue serving the children of City Church to such a high level, Lisa Choi and Devann McCurry are now serving in as the Nursery Coordinators. They each serve twice a month. Anna Brown is serving at the 1st-5th grade small group coordinator. The transition has gone wonderfully and these three ladies are doing a fantastic job and have been a wonderful addition to our current team.  

The entire culture of Kidspace has a wonderful attitude and desire to serve our children. Our volunteers are the backbone of this ministry and the leadership team tries very hard to support each and every one of the 80 individuals who serve on our Kidspace team.  One way we broadened our connections within Kidspace in 2015 is something called, “Volunteer Spotlight”. This has been a fun way to highlight two volunteers a month.  Each volunteer shares some of their favorite things, things that are special about them etc…  Not only is it fun to learn about others, it has been a great way to connect with those who serve in this ministry.

Overview of 2015 Highlights

  • 131 children attended weekly
  • 33 adults served weekly  
  • 5 youth or kids served weekly
  • 287 first time visitors
  • 71% of regularly attending families in Kidspace served in some ministry capacity at City Church

In 2016, Kidspace will continually look for ways to make each Sunday a special ministry experience for each family and child. A primary focus will be recruiting.  We do ask that all regularly attending families serve within City Church in some capacity, in order to support an overall healthy serving paradigm.    

In addition, Kidspace will be looking to implement a new check-in software program for families to use as they check their children into Kidspace. The current system, although workable, is deficient in a larger framework of functionality that would be desired. Kidspace will also look to provide 3 fun outings (like the fun-day in January) for children outside of the regular weekly Sunday morning experience.

It is a privilege and quite a responsibility for the Kidspace team to assist parents in developing the faith of our children at City Church. Please pray with me that our kids and their friends will grow in their love for Jesus.

Chris Becker


The LORD is close to all who call on Him,

Yes, to all who call on Him in truth – Psalm 145:18 (NIV)

Andrew Murray, in his book called “Humility” wrote this: “We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the Heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth.”

I am so very pleased with the direction that our Prayer ministry is headed.  Individuals who are extraordinarily committed to prayer, praying, and ministering to others populate our Prayer Team.  The team affirmed Tina Webb to function as the “tip of the spear” for the team as they all move forward in establishing a healthy culture of prayer at City Church. 

We are thankful for how the team has been intentionally called forward on Sunday mornings to minister.  As a result, many, many individuals have experienced the touch of God. 

Here’s what we may look forward to this year:  Partnering with Calie and her team at monthly SEEK gatherings; courses on prayer offered through our Foundations program; expanding the reach of prayer ministry through recruitment and training of new prayer partners; and resourcing this team to strengthen relationships and vision.

Finally, we are delighted to continue our partnership with The Business of Prayer led by Joan Hutter and members of the praying community who represent various other churches and ministries in Charlottesville/Albemarle County. City Church has supported and hosted conferences, prayer events, like the “Week of Prayer,” as well as training seminars on how to pray and minister with effectiveness. 

Gabe Moya


The Guest Services ministry has a wide reach from greeting people at the doors, to our Café, handing out materials, ushering, our Security Team, or staffing the Guest Welcome Center.

Each week, it takes 18-20 volunteers to staff the various Guest Services positions. An additional 3-5 people serve each week on our Security Team ministry.

One way you can measure a ministry volunteer’s commitment is their willingness to help out when needed. I am watching this happen each week. Not only do the scheduled volunteers fulfill their ministry assignments when scheduled, it is common for five to ten people to either stop by the information center or check in with Diane Ewing, our Guest Services Coordinator, to offer additional help as needed. We are thankful for the heart of those serving in the varied roles within the Guest Services teams.


  • Our point leader for Guest Services has worked with our team to better define ministry roles and expectations and to identify potential growth opportunities.
  • Ministry roles have become normed and there is less direction needed for volunteers to perform assigned responsibilities.
  • Ministry roles have been diversified to include additional volunteers, and better maximize their interests and gifting.
  • Increased efficiency in responding to guests and identified needs in our church.

In 2016, we have several strategic ministry areas identified for increased ministry and support to our congregants:

  • Empower point leaders for several ministry areas that will be initiated
  • Initiate a presence in the Parking lot as a first point of contact
  • Focus on our “First Connect” event for newer people to our fellowship

Our passion is to help people transition from everyday life and support them as they enter our spiritually rich environment. We do this weekly by giving a welcoming smile, greeting, supporting guests as needed, creating safe ministry environments, and assisting them so that they feel comfortable and are prepared to have a meaningful spiritual experience that may change a life forever.

Barry Sink


The Mobile Ministry that serves City Church is essential to the ministry that occurs each week to our church family. Unseen and often unknown to many that attend our church, this ministry creates the environments each Sunday for children and adults to gather together as a church family to worship and share fellowship.

Recently, a family met me in the foyer and asked if I needed help that week for tear down. It was Super Bowl Sunday and they had already served our children during services. Yet, when I admitted we were short-handed that day, they immediately replied, “We’ll take care of it!”

Their story is one among many others that illustrates the commitment to serve, positive attitude, and work ethic of this team that truly reflects the Scripture, “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, because it is the Lord Jesus Christ that you are serving.”

I have so much admiration for those who faithfully serve in the varied ministry environments within our Set Up and Tear Down teams each week.

This past year brought several exciting developments and strength to our Mobile Ministry team:

  • A point leader, Dave Bevaqua stepped up to provide additional leadership for our team leaders and volunteers teams
  • An assistant point leader, Jean Cobb also committed to share the oversight of this team’s Sunday morning operations, as well as provide leadership for our Trailer team that deliver our 4 trailers each week.
  • A plan was implemented to focus on the repair and maintenance for the trailers and cases that are unloaded and reloaded each week.
  • Our teams continued to grow relationally and developed a sense of greater team cohesion across the different ministry zones.

We are earnestly praying that God would strengthen the Mobile Ministry in 2016, and the leadership of this team is passionately committed to fulfilling their part of making that a reality:

  • Increase support to our existing leaders and volunteer teams, both logistically and relationally. This includes prayer, expressions of appreciation, and opportunities to celebrate together.
  • Continue to improve our strategy and processes within this ministry, including maintaining regular team meetings and maintenance days, as well as research and learning from other mobile churches and their experiences.
  • Invest in leadership development opportunities, both for current leaders and develop new leaders within these teams.

The best support we can offer the Mobile Ministry team this year is one that we cannot do alone: more people! Many of our volunteers serve three or more times a month, so having more people getting involved would make a huge difference. I want to encourage you not to wait, or expect someone else to do this. “Many hands make for a light load.” I encourage you to join with us and be one of those hands that make it possible to have church each week and share the love of Christ.

It is hard to believe we are heading into our third year at the Performing Arts Center! As a church family, we have come a long way in ministering within a public school. The next step in our church family is approaching and many opportunities are ahead, but getting there is a journey. I only have positive things to say about those who help to make that journey possible through their faithful service in this ministry week to week. To them I say thank-you for serving and for the opportunity of leading this ministry.

Barry Sink


“My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”  Col. 2:2-3

2015 has seen an uptick in movement toward a regrouping of our Women’s Ministries thanks to capable and passionate leadership on the part of the recently formed Women’s Leadership Team.  Below are some of the highlights of the past year:

  • Three Breakfast/Brunch event where attendance averaged 65 participants
  • Spring Retreat in Sandbridge with Sally Herman as guest speaker
  • Beth Moore Webcast
  • SOAR Bible studies -Tuesday evenings (no longer meeting) and Thursday mornings
  • Extraordinary Women group led by Sara Bankard (meets Tuesday evenings)
  • New Bible study on Thursday evenings led by Denise Voltz
  • Missed Carriage Support group meeting two Thursdays/month led by Jessica Lewis
  • Long-term groups that have been faithfully engaged: Knit 1, Tea 2, led by Sheila Williams; and the Women’s Prayer Team

We are excited about what 2016 holds for the women of City Church as the Women’s Leadership team works to create opportunities to realize the features enumerated in the passage quoted above.

Gabe Moya

Men's Ministry

This past year marked our second year of increased growth and ministry to the men at City Church. As a pastor, seeing men respond to the challenge to go deeper with God has had a significant impact on me personally.

Building on the foundation that “Catalyst” was providing for our men, we have been able to host seven Men’s Breakfasts last year. These have been meaningful not only for the impact of the speakers that have challenged our men, but as a first opportunity for many new men to connect with other men beyond the Sunday services. We also offered two short-term growth opportunities that focused on a relevant topic and the challenges that are common to men pursuing a relationship with Christ. This year, one of these groups decided to become an ongoing small group and I regularly hear positive stories. S2S (Shoulder to Shoulder) groups offer an environment for men to pursue spiritual growth in a smaller group setting of 2-3 men.

Through events like the scheduled Men’s breakfasts, Catalyst, S2S groups, and other ministry opportunities, men are connecting with other men previously outside of their circle of friends, and the relationships that have formed through that process are invaluable and inspiring.

This year has been full of exciting ministry opportunities in men’s ministry:

  • We were excited to initiate the Shoulder to Shoulder groups (STS). These groups regularly meet for mutual support, prayer, and personal growth, and in many cases, these have become the spiritual “go to” people in their lives. We are in the process of launching these groups for the 40 men that initially signed up. Currently there are 8 groups currently meeting.
  • To date, over 200 men are on our email list and receive updates when an event or ministry opportunity is approaching, and men are regularly asking about what’s coming next.
  • We hosted a Men’s Retreat focused on Authentic Manhood, with George Morris as our retreat speaker. It proved to be a powerful experience for the men that attended.
  • We continued to build our relationship with Habitat for Humanity, participating in two building projects. We also supported a monthly ministry event hosted at our church as well as a year-end celebration event for future Habitat homeowners.
  • Our Men’s Leadership team which consists of 8 men has deepened and Mike Krantz, our point leader has taken leadership and is already moving us forward as a team and as a ministry.
  • Our Monday and Wednesday Catalyst group are proving to be valuable to the 12 to 20 men that meet each week. It is substantive and organically creating supportive relationships among the men.

In 2016, we are praying that God will continue to deepen the ministry impact to City Church men and to our community and beyond and prayerfully anticipate:

  • Introducing a new ministry offering this spring through an event that will address what it means to be spiritual leader, a path toward a deepening relationship with God, and various ways men can worship God. This will be followed up with an afternoon of activities for any that want to participate
  • Increasing participation in the “STS” groups. We expect to have 30 men participating in this setting by the end of 2016.
  • Diversifying the approach and content in our scheduled Men’s Breakfasts.

There is a cohesion and positive power when men are challenged and respond to spiritual causes. We know that the family is one of those significant causes, and Men’s Ministry is poised not only to make a significant impact in our families and our church, but to also have greater ministry in our community.

If you are a new or newer man attending City Church or if you have not yet connected with Men’s Ministry, I invite you to take that step at the next opportunity.

Barry Sink


City Church is committed to serving Charlottesville and its surrounding counties in the name of Christ. Whether acting on our own initiative or partnering with local agencies, City Church is always looking for ways to live out the great commandment:

“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Mark 12:31a

Serving C’ville

Serving C’ville is a service group at City Church that connects its members with opportunities to serve so we can show our faith through our deeds (to paraphrase James 2:14-19). In addition to PACEM and the HAVEN listed below, the group searches for new avenues for City Church members and attendees to serve those in need.

PACEM: People and Congregations Engaged in Ministry

PACEM is an administrative organization that coordinates local churches to provide evening shelter and food for homeless men and women around the Charlottesville community during the cold weather months. From the end of October through March, churches provide overnight shelter for the guests of PACEM for one or two weeks at a time. In 2015, City Church had the opportunity to host 2 weeks of PACEM at City Church. The host churches are rotated throughout the Charlottesville community and City Church is just one of many churches who participate.

PACEM has been a wonderful way to serve our neighbors in need. Due to your support, many meals, entertainment, activities and games were available for the guests that came each evening. City Church will continue to be involved with PACEM in 2016.

Day Haven

The Day Haven at First & Market is a dynamic, multi-purpose community space that features resources for the hungry, disadvantaged and homeless. It enhances our community by providing a centralized place for meeting the needs of this population. It also includes a community kitchen and serves as a day haven for the homeless.

Special Offerings

In response to natural disasters, City Church will take up collections to support the area of need. We continue to support Hope Builders International with their foreign mission efforts of providing bibles and training to new pastors and churches in Africa through a special offering each year. We also were able to support Back to School Blast, a local outreach, to give underprivileged students in C’ville a backpack and supplies at the start of the school year.

Jack Jouett Meal Program

City Church works in conjunction with the middle school to provide weekend groceries for families in need of support.  On a weekly basis throughout the school year, volunteers from City Church help distribute bags of groceries to families that pick up at City Church.

Loaves and Fishes

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry exists to provide food assistance to families and individuals in need in Charlottesville and surrounding communities. 1 in 6 people in Charlottesville struggle with hunger. Loaves & Fishes provides groceries once per month to help low-income families stretch their food budgets further as they try to get on their feet financially. Their new facility near Albemarle High School provides them with: ample parking, an expanded waiting area, larger warehouse, more cold storage facilities, and office space. City Church has helped to purchase food for these families in need and support the campaign for their newly renovated facility through our “Big Give” project at the end of the year. In addition to financial support, City Church provided volunteers for the busy holiday season in November and December. In continuing our relationship with this needed outreach, additional serving days will be offered in 2016.

Operation Christmas Child  

In November, City Church participated in filling shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child which delivers gifts and the Good News of Jesus to children in need around the world. Over 150 children smiled as they opened a shoe box made for them from someone in our church.

Advancing Native Missions (ANM)   (I have a pic of the team that served if that would be helpful to use)

ANM is a US-based agency called to seek out, evaluate, and equip native (or indigenous) mission groups throughout the world in order to hasten global evangelization. As they partner with these native missionaries through advocacy, encouragement, and support, they help them to serve, love, and reach people in their surrounding regions with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, all for the glory of God. This past year, City Church not only supported ANM by giving with financial support in December, but also by having a team of 14 individuals serve several hours in their warehouse one Saturday in November. Continual day projects will be arranged in 2016 for others to be able to see this ministry first hand.

“The Big Give” and The Giving Tree

In December, City Church had a special opportunity to give financially in our December Giveaway to local and foreign ministries. For this special focus, the church was able to contribute $63,500 to support the following ministries: Loaves and Fishes, Habitat for Humanity, Advancing Native Missions: Philippines Medical Support, King’s Palace Kids’ Ministry in El Salvador, Bibles for Disciples, Teen Challenge: Beauty for Ashes (moms with additions). The annual “Giving Tree” gave over 170 Christmas gifts to local organizations (The Bridge, The Haven, Laurels Nursing Home and Teen Challenge) and local families in need this past year.

Senior Center Church Services

Each month, the senior adult group and others provide a service and ministry to Mountainside Senior Living and The Laurels of Charlottesville Senior Homes. Those attending the services are always grateful for the special attention given to them at these services!

But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Matthew 6:3

This list does not include all of the ways City Church as a church body reaches out to love our community. Many of our small groups, ministries and individuals love our community in unseen ways.


*average auditorium attendance:

2013: 615

2014: 603

2015: 625


Cash Reserve Goal of $350K = 3 Months Expenses

GOAL $350K0%
12/31/14: $347,0280%
3/31/2015: $315,5860%
6/30/2015: $332,1740%
9/30/2015: $316,7560%
12/31/2015: $290,9160%


City Church gives 10% of the tithes and offerings each year toward missions, benevolence, and outreach. In 2015, City Church gave $116,183 to local and international ministries, organizations and missionaries (10% of tithes and offerings). City Church supports the following outreaches and ministries:

  • Teen Challenge

  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes

  • Pregnancy Center

  • Love Inc.

  • Alliance for Interfaith Ministries

  • Gideon’s International

  • The Haven


  • Good News Jail Ministry and Young Lives


All of City Church’s investments are with Church Extension Plan, an organization providing financial services to Assembly of God churches and individuals.






City Church remains debt free at this time. There is a core understanding that the church desires to be debt free. However, we also recognize that for a larger capital purchase such as land or a building to support a permanent church location, taking on debt may be necessary to move forward to reach our future plans. Any such purchase or financial decision would require the membership’s approval. 


In 2015, giving of tithes and offering decreased by 6% in comparison to 2014. Although the average weekly Sunday auditorium attendance increased, total revenue for 2015 was under budget by $145,000, or 10%. Total expenses in 2015 increased 9% over 2014. However, the church’s total expenses were 5% under the allotted budgeted amount by $67,500. Even though total expenses were less than budgeted, due to the decrease in tithes and offering, in additional to overall revenue there was a net income loss of $68,691 for the year. The church was able to use the cash reserve on hand to cover the loss. Thus, there was no contribution to reach the reserve goal of $350,000 due to this unexpected decrease in tithes and offerings in 2015.



For 2016, the official board of City Church and the staff are focused on marginal increases to expenses in comparison to 2015. As well, there will be a key emphasis on financial stewardship within the church to support the budget increase in tithes and offerings. This emphasis will be seen in a variety of measures throughout the year.



Overall, the board and staff have faith in God and are confident that with an increased focus on financial stewardship the church will be able to achieve the financial budget for 2016. The church will continue to provide quarterly financials to the church body throughout the year, in order to ensure we are on track with the budget that supports fulfilling our focus of “Calling people to follow Jesus and serve others.”