Habitat Build Opportunities: Habitat build opportunities are available throughout the Summer for ages 16+ and are from 7:45am until 2:30pm.
Habitat Store: Consider volunteering at the Habitat Store which offers shorter and more flexible volunteer shifts! Help out with donation receiving and carryout, as a department specialist, cashier, furniture assembly specialist, or in a variety of other roles. Available for ages 12+, youth 12 and 13 need to volunteer with a parent, guardian or older sibling.
Child Care: Habitat is beginning a Summer series of Southwood Community meetings to stay connected to each resident, and make sure everyone is fully informed about the upcoming changes in the redevelopment project. One of the ways we make these meetings accessible to residents is offering child care for the duration of the meeting. These are evening volunteer events from 5:30pm until 9pm and are available to ages 14+.
Office Administration: Help with office administration throughout the month of June. This task will largely center itself around helping distribute mailers, and writing letters. If you are interested in supporting the behind the scenes work of Habitat’s administration processes, please email [email protected].
Provide Lunch: Too young to work on site? Bring lunch for volunteers and families as part of Lunch Bunch!
City Church participants can create an account, and register through our online portal at https://cvillehabitat.
volunteerhub.com/vv2/. Questions? Contact Natalie at 434.233.4646 or email her at [email protected].
Mentoring: Big Brothers Big Sisters create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. These one-to-one mentoring relationships support the critical social and emotional development needed to help build resilience and promote the mental health and well-being of the children they serve. Start Something! For a couple of hours a week, you can give the invaluable gift of your friendship. By simply changing their perspective of what the world can offer, you can literally start changing their life. It’s as simple as passing a football at the park, going to a museum, or just hanging out together. Volunteers commit to being matched with a Little for at least a year. Volunteers must live within our service area and have a vehicle. Fill out a volunteer application and attend a volunteer training.
Volunteer Shifts: All shifts are posted on our Volunteer Hub – https://cvilleloavesandfishes.
Route Drivers: Route drivers are needed for the summer, which would require coming in one day Monday through Friday between 10:30 and 11:00am to pick up the meals and each route usually takes around 30-45 minutes to run. If you want route driver instructions and a list of which routes on what days still need a substitution over the next few weeks, please email [email protected].
Birthday Bags: Looking for a group activity where you could all come in on the same day – come put together birthday bags for the clients. Donated materials are provided or make up your own bags with personally purchased items to donate! Coloring pages are provided in the office for younger volunteers. The clients really enjoy these. Items that are good to include are toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, lotion, wash cloths, sunscreen, blankets, puzzle books, pens, toilet paper, etc.
Programs and Times:
K-4th Summer Programming: June 12th- July 21th, Mon-Thurs (except for the week of June 12th and June 19th is Mon-Fri), 8am-12pm. Volunteers needed from 8am-9am to help with breakfast and bus load up, and then in the afternoons for lunch at 12pm and then help is needed with aftercare hours.
Young Men’s 5/8 Program: June 20th-July 26th, Mon-Thurs, 8am-1:30pm. Trinity Presbyterian Church. Volunteers needed during program hours.
Young Women’s 5/8 Program: July 5th-August 4th, Mon-Fri, 8am-2pm. Location TBD. Volunteers needed during program hours.
Abundant Life Aftercare (K-5th Grade): June 12-August 4. 12p-4pm, Mon-Fri. Volunteers needed during Aftercare program hours to help with general oversight and snack/lunch distribution.
If you are interested in volunteering, please go to our volunteer application page charlottesvilleabundantlife.org/volunteer.
Baby Shower in a Box: Arrange a baby shower in a box! Baby Shower in a Box is an easy way for your church to provide baby & maternity supplies for clients in need. Get a large box or basket, decorate it, fill it with various items and then drop off your gifts at a LifeSpring center near you! Most urgent needs are Diapers (all sizes, hypoallergenic), Formula (Similac Proadvance and Enfamil Gentlease), and new and used summer clothes (9 months-2T.) Also in need of baby toiletries (shampoo, lotion, body wash.) Please contact Morgan if you have questions about any other donations or about the boxes. morgan@lifespringva.
Information Session: City Welcomes works to relationally support refugee families, welcoming them and empowering them to navigate their new life in Charlottesville. Through partnering with the IRC’s HOME program, we are matched with a family and we work to support them on their journey of becoming self-sufficient members in the Charlottesville community. The official match lasts 6 months, but as this is a relational ministry we hope that relationships develop that would continue into future years. Interested in learning more? Please fill out this form.