Growth Track is the first step to learning more about City and being prepared to serve in a ministry. In 2022, 70 people completed Growth Track and are considering how they can serve others and plug in at City Church.
• Each Sunday, 2 New Here Bags are Given to Guests – 30 New Here Bags in September
Preparing the Next Generations for Ministry
City Church worked with five interns in 2022, focused on Alpha, Youth, Kidspace, and Outreach.
One blessing we experienced in leadership this past year at City Church was the calling of 29 deacons to work alongside the City Church team as servant leaders. Inspired by the Biblical example in Acts 6, we asked men and women at City Church to partner with us to lead and serve faithfully at City Church. In addition to working with pastoral team members, the deacons meet every other month to celebrate what God is doing at City Church, wonder how we can lead and serve more faithfully, look into the future together, and pray for God’s direction.
We believe God delights to see us grow. He created us for community and calls us to deep relationships, loving one another as He loves us. Opportunities to grow together:
Eight new life groups were added in 2022, bringing the total amount of Life Groups to 29. New and existing groups have been growing as people are re-engaging into a community with others after Covid impacted connecting in groups. We’re prayerful that God will continue raising new leaders for new groups and growth in 2023.
GriefShare helps you learn how to walk the journey of grief and be supported on the way. It’s a place where grieving people find healing and hope. In 2022, two 13-week sessions of GriefShare were offered. In total, 25 people of different ages and stages of life participated in our GriefShare sessions. We also hosted “Surviving the Holidays,” a one-day session in November.
Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20
City Church’s exceeded the goal is to give 10% of all tithes received yearly to missions, benevolence, and local initiatives. In 2022, City Church received $91K for missions and benevolence with a total given in 2022 of $303K.
In 2022 we put feet to our faith by making a significant change to CityServe.
Involvement increased tenfold as CityServe moved to Sunday mornings. Hundreds joined us in the spring and fall to serve with our local partners like PACEM, Westhaven, The Laurels, Meals on Wheels, local elementary schools, and many more. We pray we can grow our relationships with these local partners to serve even more frequently.
City Church supports our 14 missionaries sharing the Gospel in our local university campuses and worldwide. In 2022, City Church gave $212K to support our missionaries and missions work overall. City Church’s missionaries are all relationally connected to City Church so that the church can know and be involved in the work that our missionaries are doing daily.
City Church celebrates some of our local and world mission partners every December. Your generosity supports the following organizations: Habitat for Humanity, Teen Challenge, Bibles for Believers, Your Mission Matters: Mobile Medical Clinic, and Loaves and Fishes. City Chur ch received $44.5K to support the Big Give in 2022.
Our welcome team plays a vital role in the ministry of City Church as most people decide if a church fits them within the first 5 minutes of arriving at the church. 15 Team members serve every Sunday. That’s one team member for every 30 church attendees!
30 people on the Welcome Team
30 people on the Worship Team
Dedicated and talented team members serve and lead worship in all three services.
New songs for the year include:
The new Reach Youth worship team started with three youth students and counting in 2022.
As of March 6th of 2022, all Kidspace (infants – 5th Graders) was available in person. On March 27th, the 1st-5th graders began meeting at Harvest church’s (formerly Covenant) gym. At the end of the year, 58 kids attended, and 20 adult workers served weekly. 58 people serve on the Kidspace Team throughout the month.
VBS in July engaged 55 kids each of the two nights with the help of 20 adults and 17 youth members involved in serving the kids.
Kidspace kept reinventing what was offered for children in 2022 as we re-engaged families as
the season of Covid-19 was lifting. Kidspace Live was an online kids’ lesson provided to an
average of 89 viewers each week from March 2020 until May 2023.
30 students attend youth night each week. Trips included outings to Busch Gardens, Putt Putt, and a Corn Maize. The interns allowed students to come for Fun Nights over the summer. The back-to-school BLAST event had 90 students involved. The youth raised over $500 for refugees by doing a car wash at City Serve. 17 Students served with VBS (see pic below), and high school devotionals were held for the girls and guys by the interns over the summer.
The Hospitality Team shared great fellowship and made new connections and friends at our many events throughout 2022! We hosted “Under the Tent” events, luncheons, dinners, and “focused” events.
Missions Luncheon
Donut Days for College Students
Young Adults Luncheon
Maundy Thursday Dinner
Celebrated Nurse’s Week
Popsicle Sunday’s
Kona Ice High School Graduation Celebration
Teacher’s Week
Seniors, Retirees, and Empty Nestor’s Dinner
Ice Cream Sunday
Uniform Personnel Day
End of Summer Kona Ice Day
Back to School Donut Sunday
Young Couples Lunch
Women’s Christmas Brunch
In 2022, we added to our weekly Wednesday Night Prayer. We started gathering on Mondays from 11am to 1pm. Monday prayer is open to all as a drop-in or entire prayer time. We offered the Living Prayer Cohort to those interested in growing as men and women of prayer. We saw many prayers answered and embraced our conviction that God was calling us to pray continually.
Our core values, Biblically-Based, Spirit-Led, and Relationally-Driven, give shape and substance to our ministry at City Church. As such, we are deeply committed to providing the opportunities and means to help individuals, couples, and families experience spiritual, emotional, and relational health.
In 2022 eight couples went through a minimum of six weeks of premarital counseling. Additionally, six couples from City Church journeyed through the “Better Love” course that focused on key dimensions of relationship health.
We continue to offer one-to-one support to individuals who have experienced a significant life-change event/circumstance. There are 12 Stephen Ministers at City Church, and each has journeyed with one or more Care Receivers during their service. We look forward to training new Stephen Ministers in 2023.
2023 Budget
Giving to tithes increased by 3.8% in 2022 in comparison to 2021. The actual given to tithes totaled $1.708M in 2022, over the budgeted amount of $1.600M. Total revenue for 2022 was $1.846M compared to $1.761M in 2021. Missions Income was $83K in 2022 as church members gave to support Ukraine Efforts, Hurricane Relief, and Big Give in addition to regular giving. While total expenses did increase by 8.7% or $132K in 2022, Net Income was healthy at $198.4K. Total expenses increased due to extra costs as the church sought to re-engage families and individuals, upgrade kidspace equipment, and resource our church family with devotionals for spiritual growth. For the year, Net Income was $98.4K over the budgeted amount of $100K. Capital expenditures included:
The official board and staff of City Church are projecting equivalent tithing amounts from 2022 to 2023. The church continues to have a goal for Net Income of $100K to position the church in a healthy place in case a loan would be necessary for future expansion. At the end of 2022, the church had a cash reserve of more than the targeted 3-month balance of $425,000.