Love Restores, 10/14/2018

Ingrid Davis

Sermon Notes

Love Restores

John 21


Intro:   Rocking Chair Scene

Running away

Don’t we do that with God? We run?  Why?


Transition: The Bible is full of stories of people running away

Adam and Eve



Prodigal Son



Peter’s Spiritual Formation

Calling: Follow me and he followed

Let out into the deep- catch of fish

Who do people say that I am – You are the Christ

Your name will be Cephas- the Rock

Satan Get behind me

Don’t wash my feet- wash all of me John 13

Jesus says you can’t go with me- Peter says “I’ll lay my life down for you”  Mark 14:29

Luke 22: 31-34  Jesus prays for Peter “Simon Simon Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat.  But I have prayed for you, Simon that your faith may not fail.  And WHEN you have turned back, strengthen your brothers- Luke 22:31-32

Peter replies: Lord I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.

Jesus I tell you, Peter before the rooster crows today you will deny 3x that you know me.


The Denial: Luke 22:54-61

“just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed.  The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him. . . And he went outside and wept bitterly”


Resurrection HOPE

Mark 16:5-7 go tell his disciples and Peter

Luke 24: 8-12 Disciples don’t believe but Peter runs to tomb

John 20  Peter and John race to tomb Peter runs right in

1 Co. 15:5 That he appeared to Cephas and then to the 12


LOVE Restores – John 21

Peter goes back to what he knows- Fishing

Failure as a disciple.  Others go with him

Doesn’t catch anything etc


Jesus restores Peter John 21: 15-19

Do you love me more than these?

Agapeà Phileo  – feed my lambs

Agapeà Phileo  – take care of my sheep

Phileoà Phileo –  feed my sheep




To Adam and Eve- Where are you?

To Elijah – A still small voice

To Jonah – second chance calling in belly fish

To Prodigal – while he was far off his father saw him and was filled with compassion for

Him; and he ran to his son

Peter- Jesus restores and re=instates—NO  FAILURE IS FATAL

Little Ingrid: COME HOME


Some of you have been running away for a long time. You have felt like a failure, a disappointment. Hopeless.  Or maybe Running from a calling, running from others.  SHAME/FEAR/EMBARRASSMENT


God is looking for you – he wants to restore you, reinstate you, invite you home


PLAY: Come Home Running.